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Python bindingslink


IREE offers several Python packages, including API bindings, utilities, and integrations with frameworks:

PIP package name Description
iree-base-compiler IREE's generic compiler tools and helpers
iree-base-runtime IREE's runtime, including CPU and GPU backends
iree-tools-tf Tools for importing from TensorFlow
iree-tools-tflite Tools for importing from TensorFlow Lite
iree-turbine IREE's frontend for PyTorch

Collectively, these packages allow for importing from frontends, compiling towards various targets, and executing compiled code on IREE's backends.

Note - deprecated package names

The Python packages iree-compiler and iree-runtime are deprecated. The packages were renamed to iree-base-compiler and iree-base-runtime respectively.

To clean old installed packages, run pip uninstall iree-compiler iree-runtime.


To use IREE's Python bindings, you will first need to install Python 3 and pip, as needed.

Tip - Virtual environments

We recommend using virtual environments to manage python packages, such as through venv (about, tutorial):

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m venv .venv

When done, run deactivate.

Installing IREE packageslink

Prebuilt packageslink

Stable release packages are published to PyPI.

python -m pip install \
  iree-base-compiler \

Nightly pre-releases are published on GitHub releases.

python -m pip install \
  --find-links \
  --pre \
  --upgrade \
  iree-base-compiler \

Development packages are built at every commit and on pull requests, for limited configurations.

On Linux with Python 3.11, development packages can be installed into a Python venv using the build_tools/pkgci/ script:

# Install packages from a specific commit ref.
# See also the `--fetch-latest-main` and `--fetch-gh-workflow` options.
python ./build_tools/pkgci/ /tmp/.venv --fetch-git-ref=8230f41d
source /tmp/.venv/bin/activate

Building from sourcelink

See Building Python bindings page for instructions for building from source.


API reference pageslink

Description URL
IREE Python APIs
IREE Turbine APIs
MLIR Python APIs

Compile a programlink

Open In Colab

from iree import compiler as ireec

# Compile a module.
module @arithmetic {
  func.func @simple_mul(%arg0: tensor<4xf32>, %arg1: tensor<4xf32>) -> tensor<4xf32> {
    %0 = arith.mulf %arg0, %arg1 : tensor<4xf32>
    return %0 : tensor<4xf32>

# Compile using the vmvx (reference) target:
compiled_flatbuffer =

Run a compiled programlink

Open In Colab

from iree import runtime as ireert
import numpy as np

# Register the module with a runtime context.
# Use the "local-task" CPU driver, which can load the vmvx executable:
config = ireert.Config("local-task")
ctx = ireert.SystemContext(config=config)
vm_module = ireert.VmModule.copy_buffer(ctx.instance, compiled_flatbuffer)

# Invoke the function and print the result.
print("INVOKE simple_mul")
arg0 = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=np.float32)
arg1 = np.array([4., 5., 6., 7.], dtype=np.float32)
f = ctx.modules.arithmetic["simple_mul"]
results = f(arg0, arg1).to_host()
print("Results:", results)


Check out the samples in IREE's samples/colab/ directory and the iree-experimental repository for examples using the Python APIs.

Console scriptslink

The Python packages include console scripts for most of IREE's native tools like iree-compile and iree-run-module. After installing a package from pip, these should be added to your path automatically:

$ python -m pip install iree-base-runtime
$ which iree-run-module



The tools in the iree-base-runtime package support variants:

Variant name Description
default Standard runtime tools
tracy Runtime tools instrumented using the Tracy profiler

Switch between variants of the installed tools using the IREE_PY_RUNTIME environment variable:

IREE_PY_RUNTIME=tracy iree-run-module ...

See the developer documentation page on Profiling with Tracy for information on using Tracy.

Tip - flushing profile data

When writing a Python-based program that you want to profile you may need to insert IREE runtime calls to periodically flush the profile data:

device = ... # HalDevice