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Android LLDB debugginglink

This doc shows how to use LLDB to debug native binaries on Android. For a more complete explanation, see the official LLDB documentation on remote debugging.


We assume the following setup:

  1. Android NDK is installed and the ANDROID_NDK environment variable is set to the installation path.
  2. Your Android device connected and configured for adb.
  3. The Android binary of interest is already compiled and the command to run it (in adb shell) is <your-binary> [program args...]. This does not have to be a proper Android app with a manifest, etc.

Running Manuallylink

  1. Push the toolchain files, including lldb-server, to your device:

    adb shell "mkdir -p /data/local/tmp/tools"
    adb push "$ANDROID_NDK"/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64/clang/14.0.6/lib/linux/aarch64/* /data/local/tmp/tools

    You may need to adjust the clang toolchain version to match the one in your NDK. You can find it with find "$ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt" -name lldb-server.

  2. Set up port forwarding. We are going to use port 5039 but you are free to pick a different one:

    adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
  3. Start an lldb-server in a new interactive adb shell:

    adb shell
    /data/local/tmp/tools/lldb-server platform --listen '*:5039' --server
  4. Launch lldb, connect to the server and run the binary:

    lldb -o 'platform select remote-android' \
        -o 'platform connect connect://:5039' \
        -o 'platform shell cd /data/local/tmp'
    target create <your-binary>
    run [program args...]

    You can either use the system lldb or a prebuilt under "$ANDROID_NDK"/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/lib64/clang/14.0.6/lib/linux/<your-host-arch>.

    Explanation: each -o (short for --one-shot) tells lldb to execute a command on startup. You can run those manually in the lldb shell, if you prefer. Then, we tell lldb which working directory to use, where to find the executable, and what command line arguments to use.